Introductory Post with the Most

I'm much more comfortable with my writing than with my public speaking. Writing has the advantage of careful preparation before the finished product is broadcast to the world. There's time to reflect. And the written word is so very powerful. Writing is what I come back to again and again as one of my most effective magickal tools - practically every spell I do relies in some way on how I shape my intention with words - and in order to have online presence, I knew it was essential for me to keep a blog.

Hello, I'm Surina, an eclectic, solitary witch. I live with my wonderful man and two kitties in the beautiful state of Pennsylvania. I'm a Cancer-Gemini cusp, which means I'm an enthusiastic and highly emotional being. Creativity rules my everyday. With every breath I find my bliss - dancing with phantoms, singing to the collective spirit, and reveling in the real, the surreal, and the unexplained. I'm also a highly thoughtful person, which I admit has some drawbacks, in particular when I try to meditate. But I am always absorbing. Always learning. 

I'm a devotee of Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams. I'm an animist and a pantheist, I work in abstractions and in motifs, and I have a passion for pop culture, the arts, and the absurd. 

You are welcome to join me on my conquest for brightly-colored, unabashed, and absolute experience. I hope you enjoy it. 

Storm on, dear friends.
